1. Joan: Is there a difference between Bermuda and Hawaii? Lane: Neither are suitable for celebrating the death and resurrection of Our Lord.
2. Don: Even though success is a reality, its effects are temporary. You get hungry even though you’ve just eaten.
3. Don (to Lane, after firing him): I’ve started over a lot, Lane. This is the worst part.
4. Don: Why do we do this? Roger: For the sex, but it’s always disappointing.
5. Don: What happened to your enlightenment? Roger: I don’t know. It wore off.
Season 5 scoreboard
Roger Sterling: 27 Don Draper: 19 Megan Draper: 12 Joan Harris: 11 Pete Campbell: 11 Jane Sterling: 10 Stan Rizzo: 7 Lane Pryce: 6 (final score) Michael Ginsberg: 5 Bobby Draper: 5 Harry Crane: 5 Teenage Rolling Stones fan: 4 Pauline Francis: 4 Mona Sterling: 4 Beth Dawes: 4 Civil rights protester: 3 Katherine Olson: 3 Betty Francis: 3 Jenny Gunther: 2 Raymond Geiger: 2 Emile Calvet: 2 Peggy Olson: 1