In the Dollhouse: The Less Than Perfect Life of Barbie and Ken


Have you ever wished you could live in Barbie’s dollhouse, perfect Ken at your side? Well, it might not be all it’s cracked up to be. Vancouver-based photographer Dina Goldstein is known for work that challenges the conventional conceptions of the feminine ideal, like her dramatic Fallen Princesses series, which dramatizes the modern day plight of those Disney princesses we all know and love. Thanks to Lost at E Minor, we recently discovered another one of her projects, In the Dollhouse, which imagines the less than perfect lives of B & K, who may have a few too many interests in common. Cheeky and clever at first, the photo story takes a dark turn as Barbie starts to crack from the strain of living in a loveless marriage — even in her hot pink dream house.

Photo credit: Dina Goldstein

Photo credit: Dina Goldstein

Photo credit: Dina Goldstein

Photo credit: Dina Goldstein

Photo credit: Dina Goldstein

Photo credit: Dina Goldstein

Photo credit: Dina Goldstein

Photo credit: Dina Goldstein

Photo credit: Dina Goldstein

Photo credit: Dina Goldstein