Amusing and Poignant Photos of Social Media Self-Portraits in Progress


Just admit it. You’ve probably taken a profile picture of yourself and looked like one of the people in Mathieu Grac’s photo series while trying to awkwardly strike a pose. The photographer shot images of shutterbugs taking social media self-portraits, and the results are sometimes lonely and other times hilarious, but always fascinating. Seeing how people contort their bodies, set up the shots, and choose backgrounds and “props” in the privacy of their own bedrooms is surprisingly poignant. It’s also interesting to wonder about how the photographer’s presence affected each subjects preening and pose. See Grac’s intimate photos of duck lips, flexed abs, and supine gazes in our gallery past the break.

Image credit: Mathieu Grac [Spotted via thaeger]

Image credit: Mathieu Grac

Image credit: Mathieu Grac

Image credit: Mathieu Grac

Image credit: Mathieu Grac

Image credit: Mathieu Grac

Image credit: Mathieu Grac

Image credit: Mathieu Grac

Image credit: Mathieu Grac

Image credit: Mathieu Grac

Image credit: Mathieu Grac

Image credit: Mathieu Grac