Watch Gary Oldman Flip Out at Athletes Who Become Actors


If you’re sick of seeing NBA players like Shaquille O’Neal stink up the big screen, know that you’ve got a powerful ally in Gary Oldman. The wonderful actor shot a hilarious PSA for Jimmy Kimmel Live in which he breaks it down for athletes: “I, Gary Oldman, studied acting many years to perfect my craft. And just as I, Gary Oldman, actor, would never try and join an NBA just because I’m famous, I, Gary Oldman would very much appreciate it if professional basketball players would STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MOVIES!” And it’s all a cathartic (and instructive) rant from there, reminding us both that most athletes don’t belong on film and that Oldman is basically the most awesome person in the world. Click through to see the clip.

[via Complex]