Surreal Paintings of Animals Juxtaposed With the Human World


We’re all aware of the fact that the rise of humans has greatly changed the lives of the rest of the animals on our planet, but no one sees the clash quite like Toronto-based artist Jacub Gagnon. Gagnon, whose work we recently spotted over at My Modern Met, juxtaposes animals with human objects, mashing them together in ways that might not make sense, but still ring strangely true. “I create images that question and entertain the discussion of connectivity,” Gagnon explains. “I present animals and objects in bizarre manners, placing them in scenes that oppose practicality. My paintings become a space in which nature becomes unnatural, bordering surreal.” Click through to see a few of our favorite pieces from Gagnon’s extensive body of work, and then be sure to head on over to his website to check out even more for yourself.

Image Credit: Jacub Gagnon

Image Credit: Jacub Gagnon

Image Credit: Jacub Gagnon

Image Credit: Jacub Gagnon

Image Credit: Jacub Gagnon

Image Credit: Jacub Gagnon

Image Credit: Jacub Gagnon

Image Credit: Jacub Gagnon

Image Credit: Jacub Gagnon

Image Credit: Jacub Gagnon