Today at Flavorpill, we discussed the worst movie taglines, inspired by the lame-o Dark Knight Rises line. We watched five men stand under an exploding nuke. We tried to figure out who was the best Catwoman. We checked out the Ikea design ideas worth stealing. We discussed the age debate and prepped for the upcoming HBO doc About Face: Supermodels Then And Now . We found out what it was like working for Christopher Nolan on The Dark Knight Rises as a Wayne Enterprises valet. We thought these medieval panties looked uncomfortable. We loved these retro Star Wars recruiting posters. We saw the faces of Fleetwood Mac. We listened to violins built from tsunami driftwood. We caught a preview of Fantasia Fest in Montreal. And finally, we predicted the future while wearing these Ouija board heels. We like them better than the upcoming movie about the Hasbro “game.”