Watch Ryan McGinley’s Video for Sigur Rós’ “Varúð”


For the latest installment of Sigur Rós’ Valtari Mystery Film Experiment, photographer Ryan McGinley has created a visual accompaniment for “Varúð” that, unlike the original music video for the song, features a golden-haired girl skipping her way around New York City. The most surprising part, given that this is McGinley we’re talking about? She’s actually wearing clothes! “I wanted to bring a childhood innocence to the streets, through a character whose own light and wonder effects the world around her,” he explains. “I’m always interested in an atmosphere where dreams and reality mingle on equal terms.” Click through to check out the strange-but-pretty clip, which we spotted over on Stereogum, now.

Sigur Rós: Varúð from Sigur Rós Valtari Mystery Films on Vimeo.