In this amazing-looking film, co-written by Girls creator Lena Dunham and director Ry Russo-Young, Olivia Thirlby is Martine, an on-the-cusp artist who enlists the help of John Krasinski’s Peter for her project’s sound design. Of course, the relationships (Peter and his wife, Peter’s daughter and his assistant, Martine and everyone) become complicated, but what’s thrilling us is the moody atmosphere, the significant star power (we love Olivia Thirlby and think she doesn’t get enough chances to shine), and the fact that with Dunham as co-writer, it’s sure to be chock full of astute observations of youthful obsession and angst. Plus, sound design has never seemed so sexy. Click through to watch the trailer, and let us know if you’ll be lining up to watch Jim Halpert think bad thoughts in the comments.
[via Vulture]