“It looks like a polka-dotted chicken.” “I don’t like the blue. It’s too much eye shadow.” This isn’t your mother’s art criticism — which totally makes sense because it comes straight from the mouths of children. “MoMA Unadulterated” is a series of clips created by Audio Tour Hacks that capture the thoughts of kids aged three through ten on a slew of masterpieces from the museum’s collection. As you might imagine, the youngsters’ critiques are equal parts funny, cute, and insightful. Click through to see the trailer for the alternate audio tour and a few of our favorite quotes about Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, and more, then visit Audio Tour Hacks to stream the segments or download the whole thing in preparation for your next MoMA trip.
Jasper Johns, Target with Four Faces “There could be, like, fake people peeking out and you would try and shoot them with a bow and arrow.”
Andy Warhol, Gold Marilyn Monroe “She can be a model because of her very addictive eye shadow-ness and pink face.”
Roy Lichtenstein, Girl with Ball “I think it is Selena Gomez right after Justin Bieber broke up with her on a psychotic rampage, throwing a ball at him.”
Marisol, LBJ “He could be the president. He doesn’t look that much like Barack Obama.” “He looks like George W. Bush.”
Barnett Newman, Vir Heroicus Sublimis “I would rate it, like, one star.”
[via Design Taxi]