Georges Hugnet, La Grouille Domestique [“The Domestic Groddle”], No. 20 from the series La Vie Amoureuse des Spumifères [“The Love Life of the Spumifers”], 1947-48, Gouache on vintage (ca. 1920) post card, 5 1/2 x 3 3/8 inches (14 x 8.6 cm), Courtesy Ubu Gallery, New York & Galerie Berinson, Berlin, © ADAGP & Myrtille Hugnet, Photo: Joelle Jensen
Georges Hugnet, Le Torindon à Rapières [“The Rapiered Rottlebom’], No. 3 from the series La Vie Amoureuse des Spumifères [“The Love Life of the Spumifers”], 1947-48, Gouache on vintage (ca. 1920) post card, 5 3/8 x 3 3/8 inches (13.7 x 8.6 cm), Courtesy Ubu Gallery, New York & Galerie Berinson, Berlin, © ADAGP & Myrtille Hugnet, Photo: Joelle Jensen
Georges Hugnet, La Mailloche Dorée [“The Golden Meshlican”], No. 29 from the series La Vie Amoureuse des Spumifères [“The Love Life of the Spumifers”], 1947-48, Gouache on vintage (ca. 1920) post card, 3 3/8 x 5 5/8 inches (8.6 x 14.3 cm), Courtesy Ubu Gallery, New York & Galerie Berinson, Berlin, © ADAGP & Myrtille Hugnet, Photo: Joelle Jensen
Georges Hugnet, La Dragoulette [“The Dragolet”], No. 23 from the series La Vie Amoureuse des Spumifères [“The Love Life of the Spumifers”], 1947-48, Gouache on vintage (ca. 1920) post card, 5 3/8 x 3 3/8 inches (13.7 x 8.6 cm), Courtesy Ubu Gallery, New York & Galerie Berinson, Berlin, © ADAGP & Myrtille Hugnet, Photo: Joelle Jensen
Georges Hugnet, La Roscote Givrée [“The Frosted Quaggle”], No. 27 from the series La Vie Amoureuse des Spumifères [“The Love Life of the Spumifers”], 1947-48, Gouache on vintage (ca. 1920) post card, 5 3/8 x 3 3/8 inches (13.7 x 8.6 cm), Courtesy Ubu Gallery, New York & Galerie Berinson, Berlin, © ADAGP & Myrtille Hugnet, Photo: Joelle Jensen
Georges Hugnet, L’Archigoulis des Étangs [“The Pond Archgoolie”], No. 21 from the series La Vie Amoureuse des Spumifères [“The Love Life of the Spumifers”], 1947-48, Gouache on vintage (ca. 1920) post card, 5 3/8 x 3 3/8 inches (13.7 x 8.6 cm), Courtesy Ubu Gallery, New York & Galerie Berinson, Berlin, © ADAGP & Myrtille Hugnet, Photo: Joelle Jensen
Georges Hugnet, Le Volusier Lubrique [“The Lecherous Yackle”], No. 32 from the series La Vie Amoureuse des Spumifères [“The Love Life of the Spumifers”], 1947-48, Gouache on vintage (ca. 1920) post card, 3 3/8 x 5 5/8 inches (8.6 x 14.3 cm), Courtesy Ubu Gallery, New York & Galerie Berinson, Berlin, © ADAGP & Myrtille Hugnet, Photo: Joelle Jensen
Georges Hugnet, Le Groupier des Forêts [“The Forest Bandle”], No. 5 from the series La Vie Amoureuse des Spumifères [“The Love Life of the Spumifers”], 1947-48, Gouache on vintage (ca. 1920) post card, 5 3/8 x 3 3/8 inches (13.7 x 8.6 cm), Courtesy Ubu Gallery, New York & Galerie Berinson, Berlin, © ADAGP & Myrtille Hugnet, Photo: Joelle Jensen
Georges Hugnet, La Gastrouille et la Roupaillotte [“The Popkin and the Kipslop”], No. 10 from the series La Vie Amoureuse des Spumifères [“The Love Life of the Spumifers”], 1947-48, Gouache on vintage (ca. 1920) post card, 5 3/8 x 3 3/8 inches (13.7 x 8.6 cm), Courtesy Ubu Gallery, New York & Galerie Berinson, Berlin, © ADAGP & Myrtille Hugnet, Photo: Joelle Jensen
Georges Hugnet, La Bisquelle Rieuse [“The Laughing Duowatt”], No. 24 from the series La Vie Amoureuse des Spumifères [“The Love Life of the Spumifers”], 1947-48, Gouache on vintage (ca. 1920) post card, 5 3/8 x 3 3/8 inches (13.7 x 8.6 cm), Courtesy Ubu Gallery, New York & Galerie Berinson, Berlin, © ADAGP & Myrtille Hugnet, Photo: Joelle Jensen
Georges Hugnet, L’Écoïabus des Ardennes [“The Yorkshire Ecoyabus”], No. 17 from the series La Vie Amoureuse des Spumifères [“The Love Life of the Spumifers”], 1947-48, Gouache on vintage (ca. 1920) post card, 5 3/8 x 3 3/8 inches (13.7 x 8.6 cm), Courtesy Ubu Gallery, New York & Galerie Berinson, Berlin, © ADAGP & Myrtille Hugnet, Photo: Joelle Jensen
Georges Hugnet, La Troublarde [“The Spoiloid”], No. 13 from the series La Vie Amoureuse des Spumifères [“The Love Life of the Spumifers”], 1947-48, Gouache on vintage (ca. 1920) post card, 5 1/2 x 3 3/8 inches (14 x 8.6 cm), Courtesy Ubu Gallery, New York & Galerie Berinson, Berlin, © ADAGP & Myrtille Hugnet, Photo: Joelle Jensen
Georges Hugnet, Le Grattecol Entêtê [“The Stubborn Neckscroop”], No. 1 from the series La Vie Amoureuse des Spumifères [“The Love Life of the Spumifers”], 1947-48, Gouache on vintage (ca. 1920) post card, 5 3/8 x 3 3/8 inches (13.7 x 8.6 cm), Courtesy Ubu Gallery, New York & Galerie Berinson, Berlin, © ADAGP & Myrtille Hugnet, Photo: Joelle Jensen
Georges Hugnet, Le Purlaine Orgueilleux [“The Conceited Woolleton”], No. 6 from the series La Vie Amoureuse des Spumifères [“The Love Life of the Spumifers”], 1947-48, Gouache on vintage (ca. 1920) post card, 3 3/8 x 5 5/8 inches (8.6 x 14.3 cm), Courtesy Ubu Gallery, New York & Galerie Berinson, Berlin, © ADAGP & Myrtille Hugnet, Photo: Joelle Jensen
Georges Hugnet, L’Oru-Boru à Corset [“The Corsetted Oru-Boru”], No. 18 from the series La Vie Amoureuse des Spumifères [“The Love Life of the Spumifers”], 1947-48, Gouache on vintage (ca. 1920) post card, 5 3/8 x 3 3/8 inches (13.7 x 8.6 cm), Courtesy Ubu Gallery, New York & Galerie Berinson, Berlin, © ADAGP & Myrtille Hugnet, Photo: Joelle Jensen