People vs. Places: Gorgeous Collaborative Double Exposure Photography


We know, we know — double exposure photography is nothing new. But when we came across Timothy Burkhart and Stephanie Bassos’s cool new project People vs. Places over at Co.Design, we have to admit that we got a little excited. Here’s how it works: Bassos takes a roll of 35mm film of only people, and then (without any consultation) Burkhart reloads the same film to take pictures of places — the resultant photos are random, often serendipitous, and usually quite beautiful. “This double exposure project allows us to step back from having full control of the image making process and trust in one another while allowing coincidences to happen naturally on film,” they write. Trust, apparently, works wonders. Click through to see a few of our favorite shots from the project, and then head on over to the website for even more.

Image credit: Timothy Burkhart and Stephanie Bassos

Image credit: Timothy Burkhart and Stephanie Bassos

Image credit: Timothy Burkhart and Stephanie Bassos

Image credit: Timothy Burkhart and Stephanie Bassos

Image credit: Timothy Burkhart and Stephanie Bassos

Image credit: Timothy Burkhart and Stephanie Bassos

Image credit: Timothy Burkhart and Stephanie Bassos

Image credit: Timothy Burkhart and Stephanie Bassos

Image credit: Timothy Burkhart and Stephanie Bassos

Image credit: Timothy Burkhart and Stephanie Bassos