The Movie Alphabet: An Amazing Series of Typographic Film Posters


As you may have noticed, we’re suckers for awesome interpretations of movie posters and typography in all its forms, so we’re positively tickled by Meagan’s Movie Alphabet , an A-to-Z of movies by artist Meagan Hyland, which we spotted over at Explore. We can’t think of a better way to learn our pop culture alphabet (though we admit a few of these would be slightly out of place on kindergarten class walls). Click through to see some of our favorites from the series, and then head on over to Hyland’s website to see the entire collection unfold, and once the alphabet is complete, to purchase prints for yourself.

Image credit: Meagan Hyland

Image credit: Meagan Hyland

Image credit: Meagan Hyland

Image credit: Meagan Hyland

Image credit: Meagan Hyland

Image credit: Meagan Hyland

Image credit: Meagan Hyland

Image credit: Meagan Hyland

Image credit: Meagan Hyland

Image credit: Meagan Hyland

Image credit: Meagan Hyland

Image credit: Meagan Hyland

Image credit: Meagan Hyland

Image credit: Meagan Hyland