Cringe-Worthy Photos of Imaginary, Perilous Situations


We cringed after spotting the perilous scenarios in German photographer Rob Rickhoff’s work on website Laughing Squid. His subtle photo manipulations imagine what mundane places like neighborhood streets and long stretches of highway would be like with an added element of danger. Playground equipment and cars, concrete and diving boards, and warped train tracks are all featured in Rickhoff’s series Out of Place. Test your luck in our gallery of Rickhoff’s quietly disturbing, humorous photos past the break.

Image credit: Rob Rickhoff

Image credit: Rob Rickhoff

Image credit: Rob Rickhoff

Image credit: Rob Rickhoff

Image credit: Rob Rickhoff

Image credit: Rob Rickhoff

Image credit: Rob Rickhoff

Image credit: Rob Rickhoff

Image credit: Rob Rickhoff