A shop selling Halloween decorations including witches masks and pirates  and pumpkins in Beirut
Amer Ghazzal/Shutterstock

Exclusive Supercut: 50 TV Characters in Hilarious Halloween Costumes


It’s no secret we’ve spent a lot of October covering DIY Halloween getups. But for those who would rather live vicariously through others, or who are still looking for some inspiration, we’ve rounded up some of if the funniest costumes in TV history. Also, if anyone can explain how Penny and Max’s “mom-and-baby” costume works (see opening clip), would you mind dropping us a line in the comments? We’ve been scratching our heads on the logistics of that one for a while.



featuring (in order of appearance):

Penny and Max as “mom-and-baby” – Happy Endings

DJ as “Hannibal Lecter” and Darlene as “Tippi Hedren à la The Birds” – Roseanne

Jane as “Bacon” (and Brad as “himself”) – Happy Endings

Fez as “Dr. Frank-N-Furter” – That ’70s Show

Jeff as “David Beckham” and Britta as “Dragon Turtle, i.e. T-Rex” – Community

Cerie as “an Italian senator” – 30 Rock

Buzz, Nick, and Anthony as “Wilson Phillips” – Blossom

Bart as “Alex DeLarge from Clockwork Orange” – The Simpsons

Joey, Jesse, and Danny as “the Three Stooges” – Full House

Potsie as “ambiguous superhero” – Happy Days

Frasier and Lilith as “Dante Gabriel Rossetti and wife Christina” – Cheers

Bill Haverchuck as “the Bionic Woman” – Freaks and Geeks

Dwight as “Kerrigan, Queen of Blades” – The Office

Willow and Oz as “Joan of Arc and God” – Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Pacey as “(sad) Sid” – Dawson’s Creek

Ted as “a Hanging Chad” – How I Met Your Mother

Lutz as “Boba Fett,” Toofer as “Kid,” and Frank in ironic “Costume” hat – 30 Rock

Marshall as “Cher” – 30 Rock

Neil as “Groucho Marx” and Sam as “Gort the Robot” – Freaks and Geeks

Marc as “Betty” – Ugly Betty

Ross as “Sputnick,” Chandler as “the Easter Bunny,” and Joey as “Chandler” – Friends

Gabe as “Gaga” – The Office

Ellie and Laurie as “Eachother” – Cougar Town

Kevin as “Michael Moore” and Andy as “Vampire Bill” – The Office

Sheldon as “The Doppler Effect” – The Big Bang Theory

Troy as “Ripley” – Community

Fonz “as guy in a mask” – Happy Days

Howard as “Robin Hood as Peter Pan” – The Big Bang Theory

Kelly as “Snooki” and Ryan as “Bieber” – The Office

Hayley as “Hot Mother Teresa” – Modern Family

Bobby as “Windy Guy” – Cougar Town

Kelly as “Katie Perry” and Erin “as girl in an awesome mask” – The Office