Today at Flavorpill, we read an open letter to Rihanna asking her to please use more words. We looked at pictures of Halloween-themed weddings. We appreciated this Lisa Frank-style Romney poster. We listened to a few dads sing songs from Little Mermaid. We dug this Twin Peaks tattoo. We saw one man’s Van Gogh mural made from old doorknobs. We looked at a collection of comedic men in Vanity Fair’s photo shoots. We paid homage to the greatest female sex symbols in film history. We saw this fall’s horror television transformed into Goosebumps covers. We devoured our favorite foods from literature that you can actually make at home. We shared our love for vintage Halloween and enjoyed this gallery of movie nerd costumes from the 1970s and 1980s. We were mesmerized all over again by Alejandro Jodorowsky’s early work. And finally, we ate real apples branded with Apple’s logo. The image is created with stickers that prevent the stenciled areas from ripening too much.