When Ontario-based rock trio Young Rival decided it was time to make a music video, they did what any enterprising group of young people would do — they went on Reddit. There they found master face painter James Kuhn (who describes himself as “an artist, retired drag queen, whiteface clown, former nudist, born again Christian, average 46 year old guy…well maybe not exactly average!”), and collaborated with him to create this utterly insane, wonderful video. In the video Kuhn serves as the canvas for 24 characters, all of whom he designed, including pop culture figures like Lady Gaga, Chewbacca and the Diva, and not-so-cultural figures like the backside of a monkey and a wide-eyed fetus. Watch the unsettling, joyful result after the jump, and let us know what you think in the comments.
[via Visual News]