Editor’s note: Welcome to The Fug Report! Each week our fashion blogger friends Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan, the sartorial geniuses behind Go Fug Yourself, will feature some of the most memorable looks of the week in this space. We hope you enjoy it!
This week on Go Fug Yourself, we eyeballed Rihanna’s smizey new Vogue cover (she’s totally killing it!), and wondered if socialite Arden Wohl was wearing a black and white cookie. We decided that there’s a good reason why the Olsens are always smooshed together like a sprouting plant on the red carpet — they don’t WANT us to see what they’re wearing. We took a look at some of college football’s most questionable uniforms, and gave some love to Cate Blanchett, if not her outfit, which reminded us of a construction worker trying to use his giant ladder to get a cat out of a tree, while caught in an apocalyptic bee storm. We rejoiced to see Kristen Wiig in green (the impact hue is fabulous on her), and thought Emma Stone was pretty in pink. We wrinkled our brow at Gwyneth Paltrow, clapped with glee at Chloe Sevigny, and thought Kate Hudson might have won the week with her striking-if-a-bit-snug dress at the amfAR Gala. Will wonders never cease!