“I wish we could have an honest and respectful dialogue about these complicated issues,” said Tina Fey in a speech at last night’s Center for Reproductive Rights’ Inaugural Gala in New York. “But it seems like we can’t right now. And if I have to listen to one more gray-faced man with a two-dollar haircut explain to me what rape is, I’m gonna lose my mind.” The 30 Rock creator also had some choice words for Todd Akin regarding his notorious “legitimate rape” debacle: “I can’t even finish this sentence without getting dumber — it’s making me dumber when I say it — but it’s something about the body not being able to get pregnant when it’s under physical stress. Mr. Akin, I think you are confusing the phrase ‘legitimate rape’ with the phrase ‘competitive gymnastics.'” Visit BuzzFeed to laugh (or, you know, cry) your way through the video.