Psychedelic, Surreal Close-Ups of Bubbles


London-based photographer Jason Tozer makes the surfaces of soap bubbles appear as prismatic landscapes, surreal giant orbs, and distant planets. How? It’s not magic. It’s a Hasselblad, a 135mm lens, and a lot of patience. Using a special lightning and composing technique of an illuminating perspex dome and a straw for gentle swirling action, Tozer creates psychedelic little planetary worlds that are beautiful but ephemeral — gone not with a bang, but a muted pop. Spotted by Colossal, check ’em out in the slideshow, but shh. Shh. Gently, now.

Photo credit: Jason Tozer

Photo credit: Jason Tozer

Photo credit: Jason Tozer

Photo credit: Jason Tozer

Photo credit: Jason Tozer

Photo credit: Jason Tozer

Photo credit: Jason Tozer

Photo credit: Jason Tozer

Photo credit: Jason Tozer

Photo credit: Jason Tozer