Watch A New Video for R.E.M.’s ‘Blue,’ Directed by James Franco and Starring Lindsay Lohan


It’s hard to believe that R.E.M. broke up over a year ago — has it really been that long? Their fifteenth and final album, Collapse Into Now, dropped in March of last year, but it’s only now that this video, created by James Franco for the Collapse Into Now Film Project, has risen to the surface. The video is grainy and unsettling, if still kind of beautiful, like a grown-up version of Less Than Zero, with layered footage, bright lights, and shots of a sexed-up Lindsay Lohan modeling. All this behind a fuzzy track with echoing vocals by Michael Stipe and Patti Smith. Ah, the City of Angels. Click through to watch, and let us know what you think in the comments.

[via Rolling Stone ]