‘Star Wars’ Series May See ‘Empire’ and ‘Jedi’ Writer Returning to Franchise


Star Wars Episode Seven mania is swirling, but a piece of news from Deadline caught our attention, and it’s focused on future installments in Lucas’ relaunched franchise.

Toy Story 3 writer Michael Arndt will be scripting the upcoming film that will kick off a new trilogy in the space opera canon, but Deadline indicates that The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi scribe Lawrence Kasdan is possibly being courted to write Episodes Eight and Nine. Kasdan also wrote Raiders Of The Lost Ark for Lucas and Steven Spielberg. He’d be joined by Sherlock Holmes and X-Men: First Class screenwriter Simon Kinberg if a deal goes through. We’d love to see some old school Kasdan back on the job, but remember: it’s just a rumor for now.

In other recent Star Wars news, we found out Lando Calrissian will be returning to the series, and Billy Dee Williams would be down to don his awesome cape and mustache once more. Yes, please!