What’s On at Flavorpill: The Links That Made the Rounds In Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, we wondered if pop culture caused Mayan apocalypse panic. We explored a new, possibly habitable planet. We were kind of bummed to find out that the eagle and baby video was a fake. We listened to Polyphonic Spree’s indie Christmas playlist. We talked about this year’s movie mistakes. We loved that the new NASA spacesuit made astronauts look like Buzz Lightyear. We wanted to make our own gingerbread Downton Abbey. We saw a new line of conceptual sex toys. We were happy to see that 35 Arthur C. Clarke books have been released in digital format. We sat in animal chairs. We wished these Topps Ugly Stickers from 1965 would make a comeback. And finally, we read a charming letter from Mark Twain addressed to his daughter. He pretended to be Santa Claus.