Art World Intrigue: You Tell Us Top Secret Art Stuff


Today we’re attempting to invade an insulated community that’s off-limits to outsiders.

We’re asking plugged-in Flavorwire readers to send your juiciest bits of art world gossip to tips [at] flavorwire [dot] com. We’ll post the ones that raise the most eyebrows around Flavorpill as blind items.

No use pissing off a guy who calls himself Neck Face unless you absolutely have to.

Our maiden voyage below. Wager your guesses about who we’re talking about in the comments area if you’re up to the challenge. And don’t worry about getting in trouble. We’re like GOSSIP GIRL — we keep our tipsters anonymous.

“I just saw some new watercolors from this very infamous musician-cum-artist that will be shown at Art Basel and they’re horrible. There’s no way this work would be displayed in a gallery if not for the attached celebrity — it’s both naive and extremely unsettling, like some some angry child’s paintings.”

Any guesses?