Zuki, a Gargoyle at home. Zuki lives in Milton Keynes and works in IT. Photo Credit: Tom Broadbent
Chil, a disco gryphon eats breakfast at home. Chil is a project manager who lives in Brighton with his partner, Red Russell. Photo Credit: Tom Broadbent
Ashram, a dragon in his garden. Ashram is one of Zuki’s suits. Photo Credit: Tom Broadbent
Broccoli, a pink boar works in fursuits for a living. Photo Credit: Tom Broadbent
Isaambard Kingdom Brunel is a sheep who lives in Leicester. He works in IT systems. Photo Credit: Tom Broadbent
Kreek and Quartermane are a woodland nymph and steampunk lion respectively. They live together in Brighton. Photo Credit: Tom Broadbent
Rochelle is a cat. She lives in Leicester. Photo Credit: Tom Broadbent
Moon, a deer in her local woods in Sheffield. Photo Credit: Tom Broadbent
Twinkie is a North American Sea Otter and when he’s not swimming and jet-skiiing he likes to go fishing. Photo Credit: Tom Broadbent
Lupus Londonwood and Alfa Fox, a wolf and fox. They live together in Bishops Stortford. Photo Credit: Tom Broadbent