15 Fascinating Foreign Posters for Classic Oscar Winners


The Oscars are upon us yet again, and being the fans of both movies and foreign poster design that we are, we thought we’d take the opportunity to take a look at the foreign posters for past Best Picture winners. Sometimes weird, sometimes wonderful, and sometimes downright bizarre as they can be, it’s fascinating to get a peek at the way the world views the films America loves. After the jump, check out 15 posters for the Oscar Best Picture winners of yore that papered walls from Japan to Germany, and let us know which one you like the best in the comments.

Polish poster for The Godfather, 1972

German poster for Gone With the Wind, 1953

Japanese poster for Forrest Gump, 1994

Polish poster for Platoon, 1988

Czech poster for Platoon, 1988

Polish poster for Amadeus, 1986

Italian poster for Chariots of Fire, 1981

Spanish poster for Chariots of Fire, 1981

French poster for Annie Hall, 1977

Japanese poster for One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 1976

Czech poster for The Sting, 1975

German poster for My Fair Lady, 1964

Polish poster for West Side Story, 1961

French poster for Casablanca

Italian poster for The Godfather, Part II, 1975