Jaw-Dropping Photos of Hogwarts in LEGO Form


Last week, we were left agog by an amazing, detailed recreation of Ghostbusters HQ in LEGO form. Now we’ve been equally bowled over by another pop culture holy place lovingly realized in tiny brick form: Alice Finch’s mind-blowing LEGO model of Harry Potter’s alma mater, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Finch told The Brothers Brick she spent a year recreating the school, drawing from both the film and books, using 400,00 bricks (“give or take a few”) and an unknown amount of cash (“I do not know how much it costs and I don’t really want to know”) on the project. The awe-inspiring results won the Seattle-based artist both “People’s Choice” and “Best in Show” at BrickCon, the annual gathering of LEGO builders, collectors, and fans. Finch recently made 75 photos of her work available via Flickr; we’ve selected a few of our favorites after the jump.

“Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This version of Hogwarts is made of about 400,000 bricks and took 12 months to build. It is designed to be architecturally accurate and completely playable. It breaks into sections that pack into 35 large flat boxes or shelves.”

[Alice Finch via Flickr]

The Great Hall, The Grand Staircase, Gryffindor Tower, Ravenclaw Towers [Alice Finch via Flickr]

Great Hall feast: Beauxbaton students entering hall [Alice Finch via Flickr]

Snape leaving the common room [Alice Finch via Flickr]

The Boathouse [Alice Finch via Flickr]

Potions classroom [Alice Finch via Flickr]

The library [Alice Finch via Flickr]

Gryffindor common room [Alice Finch via Flickr]

Boys dormitory [Alice Finch via Flickr]

Transfiguration classroom [Alice Finch via Flickr]

Charms classroom [Alice Finch via Flickr]

The greenhouses [Alice Finch via Flickr]

The back gate and Dark Forest [Alice Finch via Flickr]

Umbridge and the Centaurs [Alice Finch via Flickr]

Room of Requirement [Alice Finch via Flickr]

Defense Against Dark Arts [Alice Finch via Flickr]

Divination Classroom [Alice Finch via Flickr]

Sirius Black’s escape [Alice Finch via Flickr]

Hungarian Horntail [Alice Finch via Flickr]

Dumbledore’s office [Alice Finch via Flickr]

The grand staircase [Alice Finch via Flickr]

Polyjuice potion [Alice Finch via Flickr]

Chamber of Winged Keys [Alice Finch via Flickr]

Whomping Willow, Aragog, Buckbeak in the pumpkins [Alice Finch via Flickr]

The final duel [Alice Finch via Flickr]