At some point in the film, a hick/cannibal calls this man “chicken-shit.” He does not realize Viggo has slayed hordes of feral ogres.
That is the guy who called Viggo chickenshit. He is also the guy gets shot point-black in the head after attempting to kidnap the son.
These are the people/zombie creatures mentioned earlier. We like to think of them as Gollum’s distant relatives.
The father gives the son a gun for defense. There are manhunters entering the house. Those Gollum-like creatures are in the basement. We are flustered. What happens next??
Ahhh, plot twist!
You can just tell that this kid is a good actor.
Charlize Theron was Esquire‘s 2008 Sexiest Woman Alive. Since most of the human population is dead in The Road, her award is more true and fitting than ever.
Bad news bears.
As Tom Chiarella explains, “Sounds awful, because it goddamned well is. But it’s awful, too, as in full of awe. Awful as in you cannot avert your gaze. It’s hard not to watch a fire.”
Thrilling story-line and fantastic actors (Guy Pearce and Robert Duval included) — we’re excited! (And we’ve been waiting forever.) Are you?