Win Tickets to the Opening Night of the Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival!


If you’re kind of a big deal/have many leather bound books, you will most certainly be attending the Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival. Four days, eleven shows, two Brooklyn venues. If you are not currently attending, Flavorpill can make you kind of a big deal. We are giving away a pair of tickets to the opening night of the festival. To win, write something in the comments area that will make us laugh. It can be anything, like the word “Jumanji” or a spoonerism, like “fomedy cestivals are cuper sool.” Just go wild. Details about the event after the jump.

If you don’t win, you still have the opportunity to go in style. The festival’s website is currently offering up two fantastic VIP packages, specifically the $5,000 VIP Silver Asshole Package and the $10,000 Titanium Douchebag Package. Both include fancy schmancy VIP signs, “Reserved for some asshole,” and “Reserved for Mr. (your first name) Douche-Bag-Face, respectively. Personally, we’re trying to raise money for the titanium package, if only for the promised “super-fucking weird gift basket.” Details of the packages are below:

If haven’t had the privilege of discovering who Eugene Mirman is yet, check out our interview with him here. His latest comedy LP, God Is a Twelve-Year-Old Boy with Asperger’s , is coming out October 6th on Sub Pop records