33 Wonderful Fan-Designed Covers for Famous Novels


Here at Flavorwire, we’re suckers for a great book cover — even if that book cover never actually made it into production. After all, it’s not too much of a stretch to imagine that sometimes the best book covers come from those designing without the constraints of publicity departments or authorial preferences. To that end, after the jump you will find a collection of unofficial book covers for famous works — created by students, career designers, or mysterious people on the Internet — that we totally love. Publishing houses, take note: we would buy these if ever we saw them in the pulpy flesh. Did we miss your favorite (or your own)? Link us to more literary design goodness in the comments.

1984 by Adronauts. [via]

The Master and Margarita by Julianna Brion. [via]

The Road, by Max Hancock. [via]

The Secret History by Jacob Stead. [via]

The Secret History by Matt Daniels and Joe Ward. [via]

The Master and Margarita by Claire Astigarraga. [via]

Fahrenheit 451 by Elizabeth Perez. [via]

The Lord of the Rings series by Jack Fish. [via]

The Harry Potter series by Michela Monterosso. [via]

Don Quixote by Lobulo Design. [via]

Wise Blood by Rowan Powell. [via]

Kurt Vonnegut’s partial backlist by Kittaya Treseangrat. [via]

Another selection by Matt McGillvray. [via]

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Andres Rivas-Cruz. [via]

James and the Giant Peach by Jessica Scott. [via]

Lolita by Adrienne Reid. [via]

Ender’s Game by Adam Wolfe. [via]

Sunset Park by Camila Tavares. [via]

Infinite Jest by Jamie Sharpsteen. [via]

Ham on Rye by Dan Fein. [via]

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Valery Herman. [via]

The Big Sleep by Andrew Cadywould. [via]

L’Etranger by Gabrielle Manotoc. [via]

The Wind in the Willows by Rachel Oke. [via]

Pride and Prejudice by Chelsea Benson. [via]

The Kite Runner by Marie Charlotte Ackermann Elnan. [via]

Classic fairy tales by Jessica Ashley Resendiz. [via]

If on a winter’s night a traveler by Samuel Rhodes. [via]

The Catcher in the Rye by Marcela Cebrowski. [via]

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Siôn Rees. [via]

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Benjamin Hughes. [via]

Three covers for To Kill a Mockingbird by Edmund Zaloga. [via]

1984 by Ben Jones. [via]