Kim Il-Sung Transformed Into Comic Supervillains on Defaced North Korean Banknotes


North Korean banknotes aren’t much use for buying anything, but if you’re German artist Aslan Malik, they make for hilarious and surprisingly compelling art. Malik has gotten hold of a bunch of money from the dark side of the Korean peninsula and defaced the images of Kim Il-Sung thereon, reimagining the Great Leader as a series of comic-book villains. The resultant art, spotted via Laughing Squid, forms a series called The Injustice League of North Korea — a doff of the hat to The Justice League and also to a similar project with US banknotes. One can only imagine what Kim would have made of it.

Image credit: Aslan Malik

Image credit: Aslan Malik

Image credit: Aslan Malik

Image credit: Aslan Malik

Image credit: Aslan Malik

Image credit: Aslan Malik