Megan Fox may be an it girl, but she’s currently experiencing what every celebrity does eventually: major backlash, and on the brink of her first headlining gig in Jennifer’s Body. Being called “dumb” and “ungracious” by anonymous Transformers crew is probably not what the leading lady, even while channeling a demonic killer cheerleader who eats teenage boys’ flesh, wants to hear. Oscar-winner Diablo Cody is back with a somewhat satiric horror film that looks a lot like Carrie, but with all the awkwardly quasi-hip lingo you loved to hate from Juno.
Follow the crazy critical maze after the jump.
So far, the movie’s been getting some nasty reviews, with a few notable exceptions, such as from Roger Ebert (that fickle fellow) and Jezebel, which is having a love affair with not only the film’s story and supporting cast, but also its “Diablo Cody-isms” and, most surprisingly, Fox’s acting ability.
The Good:
“There is within Diablo Cody the soul of an artist, and her screenplay brings to this material a certain edge, a kind of gleeful relish, that’s uncompromising.” Plus, Ebert totally has a crush on Fox: “She looks great in a blood-drenched dress with her hair all straggly.” [via Chicago Sun-Times]
“You just can’t stop watching Megan, and after this mesmerizing performance, her sudden massive fame seems a little bit more understandable.” [via Jezebel]
The Bad:
“Neither Cody nor director Karyn Kusama has come up with anything original here (beyond the admittedly cool idea of what happens when you mean to sacrifice a virgin but your victim isn’t one).” [via The Arizona Republic]
“Cody throws one too many losses at Needy [Amanda Seyfried]; the screenwriter loses her satiric way about halfway through.” [via Time Out New York]
“Last year, a low-budget horror flick called Teeth, about a virginal girl who had incisors where she shouldn’t, covered this territory with more creativity, complexity and humor. Jennifer’s Body, for all its promise, could use some of that bite.” [via Newsday]
The Ugly:
“Jennifer’s Body, the second screenplay from Diablo Cody following her Oscar-winning debut smash Juno, is so chock full of her quirky trademarks, it almost plays like a parody of something she’d write.” [via The Associated Press]
“No Oscar for Cody this time around; Jennifer’s Body is shapeless.” [via Oakland Tribune]
We have to admit, we’re intrigued. The irony of an actress who people love to hate starring in a movie penned by a screenwriter who people love to hate is not lost on us. Additionally, Amanda Seyfried of Big Love (who we’ve loved since the dearly departed Veronica Mars) is getting near universal praise playing a friend (with brief benefits) of Fox’s, and it’s about time she got more recognition. Sorry Meryl, but she’s the only reason we didn’t claw our eyes out while watching Mamma Mia!
Then there’s this interesting bit of trivia: This was film was originally meant to be a Juno reunion. Seyfried’s role was going to be played by Ellen Page, and Jason Reitman was meant to direct. Do you think she made the better decision by going with Whip It, and him, with Up in the Air?