What’s on at Flavorpill: Links That Made the Rounds in Our Office


Today at Flavorpill, we saluted our partner in crime Kelsey Keith, who just hit her 500th post over on her blog, Designage. (We’ll have to celebrate with a case of Pabst, the most popular beer ever.) We shaved a baby. We played The Incredible Polo. We couldn’t decide how we felt about Natasha Lyonne’s fashion spread in the new film issue of Vice. We had to choose between Andrew WK and Gonzales. We remembered to brush our teeth — but not before we took the marshmallow test. (Seriously, teeth are important.) We searched for true love on some video dates. And finally, we danced around the office to an inevitable Kanye West/Taylor Swift mash-up courtesy of Matt Kammerer. Maybe he could have thrown some “Singles Ladies” in there for good measure…