Keep a Child Alive’s 2005 campaign intended to highlight the fact that all of us have genetic roots that trace back to African origins, but the bold-faced “I AM AFRICAN” slogan under the white faces of Gwyneth Paltrow, Liv Tyler, and Richard Gere created more negative responses than positive.
Microsoft’s ad for Outlook features explosions and a lesbian wedding, and you can imagine which of those two scenes was considered too hot for TV.
An HIV/AIDS awareness campaign? Pretty noble! Used to sell United Colors of Benetton clothing? Possibly not so much!
Gap debuted this ad, featuring real-life couple Rory O’Malley (who nabbed a Tony nominee for his role in The Book of Mormon) and Gerold Schroeder, last year, and it’s another example of a major company openly extending its market to a marginalized community.
Despite its good intentions, Dove’s Real Beauty ad campaign sparked much debate, as its parent company Unilever also owns Axe, the male-oriented grooming line that regularly targets its audience using misogynistic ads. Does Dove’s marketing empower women or use their insecurities against them?