The Coolest Art Made With 3D Printers


Volumes have already been written about the rising vogue for 3D printing. Stephen Colbert invited users to create variations on MakerBot renderings of his face, it’s easier than ever to replace your phone case, and sculptured trinkets of Yoda are widely available — for the first time. At the moment, the output of these marvelous, surprisingly affordable machines is mostly made up of hokey toys that already exist or alarmingly simple designs for weapons. It’s been almost exactly a year since the Metropolitan Museum of Art opened its doors to the scanners of MakerBot sculptors, and surprisingly little has been done in the way of old fashioned art-for-the-sake-of-art from these machines. A few outstanding exceptions, after the jump.

Marsyas, 2013, MakerBot replica of Balthasar Permoser, Marsyas, 1680-85.

[Image via]

[Video via Dmitri Pisarenko]

[Image via Thingiverse]

Head of a horse of Selene from the east pediment of the Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, 438-432 BC, Makerbot replica, 2013.

[Image via Thingiverse]

Auguste Rodin, The Thinker, 1902. Bronze and Marble.

Makerbot rendering of Joy Division cover art from Unknown Pleasures by Peter Saville, representing PSR B1919+21 waveforms.


Daniel Chester French, Memory, 1886–87. MakerBot replica, 2012.

[Image via The Creators Project]

Mind Aversion, Borromini Honeycomb, 2012. 14.29 by 14.424 by 14.226 in.

Henry Segerman, Regular Triangulation of H³, 2012.

Guide4Blind, replica of St Patroclus’s Cathedral, Soest, Germany, 2012.

Gaudi homage by Enrico Dini

[Image via Trendhunter]