Find Out Why smart car’s funtestdrive Is Watts of Fun


If this is the future, we welcome our energy efficient, and frankly fun, new overlords! At smart’s nationwide funtestdrive events, you get to check out the advance of real automotive ingenuity. The all-new smart electric drive is smart’s first 100% electric vehicle widely available here in the States. We know you’ll dig this particular set of wheels as much as we do — which is why smart is giving you the chance to win your very own smart electric drive two-year lease.*

Other highlights at the New York area editions (one in Hoboken on 6/22-6/23 and one in Brooklyn on 6/29-6/30) include live music, local snacks, and more surprises. How’s that for a selling point? Mark your calendars and come test drive the all-new smart electric drive and the original smart for two.

*24 month lease. For official rules and additional prize information click here.