Watch ‘Orange Is the New Black’ With Former Prisoners, Get a Look at the ‘Breaking Bad’ Writers’ Room: Links You Need to See


Lego is charging $149 for it’s new “Architecture Studio” Set. The set consists of only all-white and and all-clear block-sized pieces — for the postmodernist in you. Marina Abramovic released a new video this week, this one is a fascinating look at her 1974 performance piece Rhythm 0 . For those of you wondering about how well Orange Is the New Black depicts prison life, this review with five formerly incarcerated women gives a clear answer. Now that Cousin Matthew (Dan Stevens) has departed Downton Abbey, it seems that a whole slew of new, very dapper, male cast members have been hired to fill the void. Redditor BamBamBam_ uncovered and shared the amazing story of the phenomenally talented and handicapable drummer, Dean Zimmer. Cue the Kleenex. And finally, Uproxx scored an exclusive look at the Breaking Bad writers’ room, complete with some cool stories surrounding dropped storylines.