It’s time for the onslaught of “2008 Person of the Year” awards, and we have no doubt that most will go to the dude who tore down racial barriers and led the most effective grassroots campaign in recent history.
But there’s one list whose nominees are a bit closer to our hearts, at the very least because we owe half our content to them (not to mention most our TiVo space). I Want Media has released their “Media Person of the Year” nominations, and it predictably includes foxy girl-next-door Tina Fey, as well as the only reason to watch cable news, Rachel Maddow. Titans Arianna Huffington, Eric Schmidt, and Rupert Murdoch also made the cut, alongside Twitter’s titans-to-be Biz Stone, Jack Dorsey, and Evan Williams.
But our vote has to go to “The Laid-Off Journalist,” and no, we didn’t just make that category up. Last year’s Media Person of the Year went to “Writers on Strike,” so we’re confident that this year another under-appreciated portion of the creative class could win top honors. We already placed our vote — it was, sadly, like voting for ten of our friends at the same time, and then for a thousand more people we don’t know but really admire.
Voting is open until December 7th, so click here to read the full list and vote for your pick.