Watch California Get Destroyed: A 5-Minute Clip from 2012


If you live in California, we’re sorry. Your beloved state gets swallowed up by the Earth first. Your only chance of survival is to rent a plane with John Cusack and fly to momentary safety. In preparation for the November 13th release of 2012, Columbia Pictures pictures staged what SlashFilm calls “the largest American media roadblock ever.”

Apparently, a “2-minute clip from 2012 on the major broadcast networks, local stations in the top 70 markets, and nearly 450 television stations in North America.” The media assault continued on the web, allowing us to fully appreciate a 5-minute clip of the Mayan apocalypse. What do you think? Does this look more devastating than The Road? Screenshots below.

PETA is not happy about this. We miss you, too, palm trees.

That is a hole. This is bad news bears.

Do you think you could fly through this? When you’re with John Cusack, anything is possible.

Will you see 2012?