Design Porn: 7 Laptop Sleeves We Love


Welcome to this week’s edition of Design Porn, Flavorpill’s weekly roundup of things we want and/or make us giggle. Today’s post focuses on a practical topic: stylish laptop sleeves. Find seven of our favorites after the jump — along with links to “The Rolltop,” anti Wi-Fi paint, and what is possibly the worst appropriation of Middle Eastern culture we’ve ever seen — and leave a comment if you’ve spotted something cool that we’ve missed here.

Byrd and Belle Laptop Sleeve [via Cool Hunting]

Curated by Arkitip with Steven Harrington [via Grain Edit]

Acme Made Sexy Little Laptop Sleeve [via NotCot]

Ergonomic Metal Sleeve for Heat Dissipation & Screen Protection [via Core77]

Gareth Pugh Incase Sleeve for AnOther Magazine, Colette [via Selectism]

The HunterGatherer 15″ Sleeve for MacBook Pro [via HypeBeast]

Thomas Paul Ludite Laptop Sleeve [via Velocity]

Bonus computer-related design links:

The Rolltop

The HP Mini Laptop by Studio Tord Boontje [via UnBeige]

Anti Wi-Fi Paint [via PSFK]

Laptop Burka [via Geekologie]