Byrd and Belle Laptop Sleeve [via Cool Hunting]
Curated by Arkitip with Steven Harrington [via Grain Edit]
Acme Made Sexy Little Laptop Sleeve [via NotCot]
Ergonomic Metal Sleeve for Heat Dissipation & Screen Protection [via Core77]
Gareth Pugh Incase Sleeve for AnOther Magazine, Colette [via Selectism]
The HunterGatherer 15″ Sleeve for MacBook Pro [via HypeBeast]
Thomas Paul Ludite Laptop Sleeve [via Velocity]
Bonus computer-related design links:
The Rolltop
The HP Mini Laptop by Studio Tord Boontje [via UnBeige]
Anti Wi-Fi Paint [via PSFK]
Laptop Burka [via Geekologie]