This Week’s Top 5 TV Moments: Stephen Colbert on Crackgate 2013


There are scores of TV shows out there, with dozens of new episodes each week, not to mention everything you can find on Hulu Plus, Netflix streaming, and HBO Go. How’s a viewer to keep up? To help you sort through all that television has to offer, Flavorwire is compiling the five best moments on TV each week. This week, Stephen Colbert sounds off on Crackgate 2013 and New York gets a new mayor.

Stephen Colbert Tells the Definitive Rob Ford Joke

Just roll the phrase “Chris Farley tribute mayor” around in your head for a little bit, then cry that this dude is the elected leader of a major city once you pull yourself up off the floor.

Boardwalk Empire‘s Richard Harrow Got Hitched!

And it’s adorable despite (or is it because of?) the fact that the union’s a hasty city hall ceremony to make sure Julia looks like a good mom on paper. We wish the world for poor Richard, who’s spent much of this season trying to stay away from violence only to realize killing’s the only thing he’s equipped to do. So while we’re less overjoyed that he ends the episode by asking Nucky for a job, presumably not in bookkeeping, we’re happy to see him shacked up with the practical, straight-talking Ms. Sagorsky. And Tommy could use a dad who’s willing to murder a gangster or dozen on his behalf.

Bill de Blasio Takes the Stage to “Royals”

Here, now that we’ve got it stuck in our head again, read about what BDB’s choice of victory song says about his progressive politics beyond craving a different kind of buzz.

Lisa Kudrow Gives Some #realtalk

Girl power! Spurred on by a gross, if fake, attack ad, Olivia Pope’s latest client went H.A.M. on live television, giving a top-notch takedown of the sexist BS she’s forced to put up with as a woman in politics. In addition to a ton of “go Shonda!” fist-pumping from the audience, her tirade earns her major props from the public, a reaction Flavorwire editor-in-chief/Scandal recapper Judy Berman doesn’t necessarily believe, but is cool with anyway. Olivia may not be representing Josie for the right reasons, but having her on the side of female empowerment is a welcome sight.

Jessica Lange Burns Frances Conroy, Literally

At the freakin’ stake! Thus is Myrtle Snow’s punishment for allegedly blinding Cordelia, academy headmistress and Fiona’s daughter, via sulfuric acid. Frances Conroy does a courtroom tirade and a last-words howl very, very well, and luckily for us, this isn’t the last we’ll see of her. She’s resurrected in the episode’s final moments by Stevie Nicks devotee Misty Day, and she’s probably extremely pissed, considering Fiona framed her using Queenie’s voodoo doll powers. Awesome! Although we’ll miss poor Myrtle’s Grace Coddington mane now that it’s been roasted off.