Glee Wins the Tyra Banks Guest Spot Lottery
Yes, this show is approximately two and a half seasons past the point of irredeemable awfulness. But a Tyra Banks cameo will land any show in this roundup, particularly as a (what else?) modeling agency owner named Bichette, pronunciation unclear. She delivers the fashion industry clichés with ease, ordering Sam to drop ten pounds to make it as a professional shirtless beefcake. And whatever Tyra says, one does.
Meet Mrs. Pope
She’s that crazy lady in prison chewing on her own wrists in the world’s grossest attempt at self-harm. This week’s Scandal episode gave us our first extended look at Olivia’s mom, who we only just learned survived the plane crash that supposedly killed her. By the end of “Vermont Is for Lovers, Too,” Maya, played by Khandi Alexander, has busted her way out of the lockup and come face to face with her daughter. Sounds like the makings of a truly great midseason finale.
Jennifer Lawrence Does the Talk Show Circuit
This week, America’s most endearing megastar took her new, debatably pixie-ish haircut on the road to promote Catching Fire, which dropped at midnight. Predictably, her various interviews this week gave us insights into her stomach troubles, love for the Kardashians, and affection for Woody Harrelson. Vulture has a nice roundup of quotes in case you feel like reading about a famous person’s struggles with crapping her pants.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Gets Its Best Guest Star Yet
A freshman comedy could do worst than landing Patton Oswalt to appear in its seventh-ever episode. In “Sal’s Pizza,” Oswalt played the face of the cop-firefighter rivalry that necessarily must make at least one appearance in any crime-fighting series, even an ensemble comedy. It’s not quite as fantastic as Oswalt’s improvised monologue proposing a fusion of Star Wars and the Marvel Cinematic Universe from his last TV cameo, but it’ll do.
Gillian, Meet Karma
Boardwalk Empire is full of murders committed with total impunity, a side effect of taking place in a time before DNA testing and non-corrupt cops. Unfortunately for Gillian Darmody, this week saw her become one of the few characters whose crimes caught up with her. Her tearful confession of murder to Roy Phillips took a turn for the worse when her fiancé turned out to be a detective from the Pinkerton Agency. Now, she’s headed straight to prison for first degree murder of an innocent veteran. Rough!