Image credit: Jeff Friesen
CONNECTICUT: “Nothing’s finer than a moonlit cruise on I-95.”
Image credit: Jeff Friesen
DELAWARE: “Inspired by the title of Emanuel Leutze’s famous painting, Washington Crosses ‘The Delaware.'”
Image credit: Jeff Friesen
GEORGIA: “As it turns out Rhett Butler and Scarlet O’Hara’s passion for one another was easily doused by local firefighters.”
Image credit: Jeff Friesen
ILLINOIS: “Bugsy’s mom is thrilled that he’s running his own lemonade stand this summer. He hasn’t rubbed out any of his associates since June.”
Image credit: Jeff Friesen
KANSAS: “There’s no place like home, but if your home is frequently blown aloft it helps to wear a parachute indoors.”
Image credit: Jeff Friesen
MINNESOTA: “Some places have a dry cold. In Minnesota it’s a nice cold, okie-dokie?”
Image credit: Jeff Friesen
NEBRASKA: “Stringfellow approaches Chimney Rock, the Oregon Trail’s most literally named landmark.”
Image credit: Jeff Friesen
NEW HAMPSHIRE: “Robert enjoys climbing in the White Mountains for the solitude that only untouched wilderness provides.”
Image credit: Jeff Friesen
OHIO: “They may be pests to presidential candidates but kids love living in a swing state.”
Image credit: Jeff Friesen
OREGON: “Only organic free-range chickens run amuck at the FreeBird food truck. Just don’t get pecked when you pluck.”
Image credit: Jeff Friesen
TENNESSEE: “One can’t help falling in love with a quadruple layer club sandwich.”
Image credit: Jeff Friesen
VIRGINIA: “In the navy you can do just what you please.”
Image credit: Jeff Friesen
WASHINGTON: “We can only close our eyes using clothespins.”