Cheeky LEGO Dioramas Poke Fun at the 50 States


After a series of LEGO scenes satirizing the provinces of his home country, Canadian photographer Jeff Friesen used his daughter’s toys to make fun of the 50 states. The resulting images are surprisingly on-point for someone who doesn’t call the US home, using American history, famous stereotypes, and a few clever puns. Some of the pictures also reference pop culture artifacts the states are famous for, like Elvis, Gone with the Wind, and of course, The Wizard of Oz. Even Kurt Cobain makes an appearance in Washington! See all 50 states at Jeff Friesen’s website.

Image credit: Jeff Friesen

CONNECTICUT: “Nothing’s finer than a moonlit cruise on I-95.”

Image credit: Jeff Friesen

DELAWARE: “Inspired by the title of Emanuel Leutze’s famous painting, Washington Crosses ‘The Delaware.'”

Image credit: Jeff Friesen

GEORGIA: “As it turns out Rhett Butler and Scarlet O’Hara’s passion for one another was easily doused by local firefighters.”

Image credit: Jeff Friesen

ILLINOIS: “Bugsy’s mom is thrilled that he’s running his own lemonade stand this summer. He hasn’t rubbed out any of his associates since June.”

Image credit: Jeff Friesen

KANSAS: “There’s no place like home, but if your home is frequently blown aloft it helps to wear a parachute indoors.”

Image credit: Jeff Friesen

MINNESOTA: “Some places have a dry cold. In Minnesota it’s a nice cold, okie-dokie?”

Image credit: Jeff Friesen

NEBRASKA: “Stringfellow approaches Chimney Rock, the Oregon Trail’s most literally named landmark.”

Image credit: Jeff Friesen

NEW HAMPSHIRE: “Robert enjoys climbing in the White Mountains for the solitude that only untouched wilderness provides.”

Image credit: Jeff Friesen

OHIO: “They may be pests to presidential candidates but kids love living in a swing state.”

Image credit: Jeff Friesen

OREGON: “Only organic free-range chickens run amuck at the FreeBird food truck. Just don’t get pecked when you pluck.”

Image credit: Jeff Friesen

TENNESSEE: “One can’t help falling in love with a quadruple layer club sandwich.”

Image credit: Jeff Friesen

VIRGINIA: “In the navy you can do just what you please.”

Image credit: Jeff Friesen

WASHINGTON: “We can only close our eyes using clothespins.”