‘The Way We Wore’ Takes a Smart and Stylish Look at the Evolution of African-American Fashion


The Way We Wore: Black Style Then by Michael McCollum (Glitterati Incorporated)explores the diverse, undeniably cool individual styles of African Americans throughout the 20th century, focusing more on everyday people than celebrities or big-time trendsetters. Featuring photos that seem like proto-Saratorialist street shots, the result is a book that will surely be among the best-looking of 2014. Click through to preview a selection of images from McCollum’s book.

Veronica Jones, boutique owner (1969)

Linwood Allen, designer (1978)

Hal Frederick, actor (1950)

Bethann Hardison, talent manager/producer (1979)

Douglas Says…, designer (1978)

Babatu Sparrow, (future) designer, 1978