This Week’s Top 5 TV Moments: Getting Down With the Underwoods


There are scores of TV shows out there, with dozens of new episodes each week, not to mention everything you can find on Hulu Plus, Netflix streaming, and HBO Go. How’s a viewer to keep up? To help you sort through all that television has to offer, Flavorwire is compiling the five best moments on TV each week. This round, Jason Mantzoukas makes standout appearances on both Broad City and Kroll Show.

Abbi and Ilana Almost Have a Foursome

Much to Jason Mantzoukas and Matt Jones’s disappointment, the Broad City gals aren’t really up for it. Then again, apparently three out of 12 pairs of women have gone for the ol’ rooftop group makeout/shower orgy routine. Thus concludes this week’s adventure, which begins with Ilana convincing the two DJs to ditch their playlist on shuffle and continues through both ladies being informed they’re “sweet like candy.” It’s a bummer they didn’t ask permission ahead of time, though; Ilana never got to test out the Arc de Triomphe, complete with Oprah hands.

Frank and Claire Get Freaky

Big-ass spoiler alert, obviously, but readers of this list are disproportionately likely to be part of the two percent of Netflix users who downed the entire second season this weekend. That said, it looks like House of Cards‘ biggest standout moment wasn’t Frank finally getting his hands on the presidency. It’s the THREESOME that goes down between the power-hungry politician, his wife Claire, and their bodyguard Edward Meechum. We already know Frank had a homosexual relationship with a college classmate, but this scene confirms that Underwood constitutes one of television’s most complex queer characters.

The True Detectives Catch Their Killer

Or do they? Hart and Cohle finally make their much-vaunted raid on Reggie Ledoux’s backwoods meth factory this week. Turns out there was no shootout at all; the two cops simply made up the story to cover for Hart, who impulsively shoots Ledoux in the face after discovering the children he’d been keeping prisoner. Thus ends the first act of our murder mystery; we then fast forward seven years to 2002, when Cohle begins to realize Ledoux may not have been acting alone. Oh, and the 2012 cops think Cohle was the killer all along.

Gigolo House Returns!

Kroll Show reintroduces us to the world of Bobby Bottleservice and his male escort friends, shot in a suitably Jersey Shore-ish fashion. Guest stars include Chelsea Peretti as Bobby’s classy-ass date for the night and Jason Mantzoukas (with straight hair!) as a fellow house member. Both of them wore outfits originally seen on Rihanna. And then there’s Hammer, the gigolo who goes on a date with a model… an architectural model.

The Girls Get in a Fight

Lena Dunham’s title friend group just might be donezo after their trip to a North Fork beach house. In a spectacular four-way argument initiated by Shoshanna, each houseguest unloaded her issues. Evidently, they’re just as aware as the audience of what awful people their friends are. So what’s gonna hold this series together now that its protagonists seem set on never hanging out together again? Especially since there’s five episodes left in the season?