Hip Brands’ Logos Get Hilarious Mass-Market Makeovers


In this post-Mad Man era, most people understand that branding plays an enormous role in making us consider a company “cool.” But in case you ever doubted that, the ad agency Cornett has put together a hilarious series (spotted via Laughing Squid) of hip companies’ logos remade in the style of America’s most mainstream corporations. Click through to see VICE transform into your mom’s favorite cable news network and Intelligentsia get the kind of Starbucks-approved makeover that would make any coffee snob to a spit-take, then visit Whit Hiler’s site for the entire collection.

Image credit: Cornett

Image credit: Cornett

Image credit: Cornett

Image credit: Cornett

Image credit: Cornett

Image credit: Cornett

Image credit: Cornett

Image credit: Cornett

Image credit: Cornett