The Best Things We Read on the Internet This Week: Crying at Bad Movies, C.M. Punk’s Punk Ethics


Listicles, tweets, your ex’s Facebook status, picture of dogs wearing costumes — the Internet offers no shortage of entertaining stuff to look at. But there’s plenty of substantial writing out there, too, the pieces you spend a few minutes reading and a long time thinking about after you’ve closed the tab. In this weekly feature, Flavorwire shares the best of that category. This week, finding the good in Adam Sandler’s awfulness, Roxane Gay on her two books, and more.

“Adam Sandler’s Bad New Movie Made Me Cry Like Almost Nothing Else Before” by Jesse David Fox, Vulture

No matter how incredibly crappy Blended might be (and it is apparently really crappy), Fox makes a strong argument that, like chicken soup, sometimes a shitty movie can be good for the soul.

“The Ballad of C.M. Punk” by Martin Douglas, The Media

This is just a really good essay that discusses professional wrestling and punk rock ethics. Even if neither of those topics are immediately of interest, we humbly ask you to reconsider and read this. You won’t regret it.

“Two Damn Books: How I Got Here And Where I Want To Go” by Roxane Gay, BuzzFeed

Roxane Gay has two books coming out in one year. What are you doing with your 2014?

“Post-Partum Regression” by Lindsay Hunter, The Rumpus

Hunter, who you might know from her great short stories, shares this very intimate tale of suffering from post-partum depression after the birth of her child.

“Inheritance” by Ian Parker, The New Yorker

Parker’s piece goes into such depth that you might not ever need to read another Edward St. Aubyn profile again.