Nickelodeon ordered 13 episodes of the animated comedy The Loud House, created by Chris Savino, about a boy with ten sisters. The show comes from Nick’s “Animated Shorts Program” and is the first to be developed from the 2013 entries. [Variety]
USA’s upcoming medical drama Rush has cast Harry Hamlin and Rachel Nichols. [THR]
HBO will observe the 70th anniversary of D-Day by airing all ten parts of Band Of Brothers, back-to-back, on June 6 from 9 AM to 8 PM. [HBO]
Bryan Cranston is developing the tongue-in-cheek Dangerous Book for Boys for TV. [Variety]
Laila Robins (Bored to Death) and Corey Stoll (House of Cards) joined Season 4 of Showtime’s Homeland. Robins will be a series regular as Martha, “the United States Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan,” and Stoll will guest star as Sandy, “the CIA Chief of Station in Pakistan and a rising star in the Agency’s firmament.” Homeland will return in the fall. [Showtime]
Zuzanna Szadkowski, best known as Dorota from Gossip Girl, will appear on HBO’s Girls. [Vulture]