Episode 210 — “Little Mustachioed Shit”
“Little Mustachioed Shit” picks up, once again, the saga of Piper and Alex. The backstory explores the early stages in their relationship, when they were happy and couldn’t keep their hands off each other… except Alex also had an ex-girlfriend who tortured Piper, punching her in the face and leaving a flaming bag of dog shit on her porch.
Piper returns to prison and lies to Red about the restaurant being in great condition. She also received another letter from Alex and doesn’t know what to do with it. Truth be told, most of the Alex/Piper stuff is no longer very interesting, especially in this episode. The insight into their early relationship isn’t bad, but it doesn’t really add much depth to what we already know about these characters. We know that Piper was totally seduced by Alex’s charms, and we know that Alex can be totally manipulative.
As for Piper and Larry, last episode she claimed she didn’t want to know who he slept with, but now she needs to know. Polly visits and Piper slowly deduces that it was her but plays her cards close to her chest. After the visitation, she takes out her anger by repeatedly punching the wall in her cell. Red wisely offers up advice: “You don’t drink poison and wait for it to kill your enemy. Stop hitting walls and plot your revenge.” Piper just does that. She manages to leave a flaming bag of shit on Polly’s porch.
Cliff notes on the non-Piper/Alex happenings: