The Morning’s Top 5 Pop Culture Stories


1. For the first time in 27 years, an American — Meb Keflezighi — won the New York Marathon. [via NYT] 2. Two new Rihanna tracks from Rated R leaked over the weekend: “Bubble Pop” and Wait Your Turn. [via Pigeons and Planes] 3. The first review of the Nightmare on Elm Street remake doesn’t sound too good. [via Ain’t It Cool] 4. Amazon’s blog has posted their top 100 books of 2009, which is topped by Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann. [via Omnivoracious] 5. Robert Zemeckis, the director of Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, says that he’s commissioned a sequel from the original’s writers, Jeffrey Price and Peter Seaman. [via MTV]

Bonus link: The Ten Most Dubious Films included in the Criterion Collection