Iconic Horror Movie Villains Reimagined as ‘Scooby Doo’ Bad Guys


The Scooby Doo villain long ago passed into the realm of cultural cliché: an evil property owner or similar small-timer, with a plan so inept that a stoner, his dog, and their moron friends are able to figure it out. But what if those Scooby villains were a bit more… sinister? For the answer to that, we go to illustrator Travis Falligant (aka IBTrav), who took to his website and Tumblr to imagine some of film horror’s most iconic killers as Scooby Doo baddies.

Artist Credit: Travis Falligant

Artist Credit: Travis Falligant

Artist Credit: Travis Falligant

Artist Credit: Travis Falligant

Artist Credit: Travis Falligant

Artist Credit: Travis Falligant

Artist Credit: Travis Falligant

Artist Credit: Travis Falligant

Artist Credit: Travis Falligant

[IBTrav.com via Bloody Disgusting]